Take home THE most iconic piece of art of this entire festival.
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Featured RADD ARTist...

Katie Lorraine:
Katie is a passionate artist, teacher and performer, creating pieces for live audiences during events. Katie has displayed her artwork internationally and is often found donating her originals for charitable auctions at juried art shows, galleries, and events. She is adaptable and creative, and enjoys sharing her love of art. Her portfolio displays a wide variety of styles and techniques, often containing hidden imagery. Katie has paintings on permanent display at Edgewater Manor, La Cevicheria, and many commissions across Canada and the United States.
Katie is inspired by travel, music and talking with people. She loves to be social and enjoys learning about all walks of life.
Katie is currently the lead visual artist for the RADD ART initiative with NexGenHealth Foundation as well as a board member for Living Color Events - an event platform that unites artists of all styles to co-create and give back to their local communities.
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